martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Back to the past: Panther or 10.3.9

After many years using Tiger, the destiny have forced me to go back to the past and to use Panther for some days, while I take more memory for this laptop.

Find useful and lightweight apps isn't a easy task, since this OS is abandoned for the most of users and isn't supported by Apple; moreover my RAM memory is the minimum (256MB)

Cog 0.05
VLC 0.8.6i
CocoviewX 0.95

aMSN 0.983 (March.2010)
Opera 9.64
Skype 2.6
Skype 2.8.0
Ms. Messenger 6.03

Adium 1.0.6 (MSN protocol isn't working)

Acrobat Reader 7.1.0
KeepassX 0.3.3
UnrarX 2.2

Some Commercial apps working.
Photoshop 6
Appleworks 6

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