miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2020

Smartwatch research (Opensource, P8, BLE, bangle.js, Pinetime, espruino, .

(entry in contruction, check other Smartwatch entries)


Tools and software

From a mobile Phone

   With LightBlue(Android):  
     or nRFConnect


From  Windows computer
   or BluetoothLE Explorer or Bluetooth LE Lab(Windows):
   or nRFConnect

  Windows10. Other Devices (privacy)

Checking Model (i.e P8a)

   or BluetoothLE Explorer or Bluetooth LE Lab(Windows):

Identify  Device Information:
Hardware Revision (UTF8-String) : A130PW2.0
Software Revision (UTF8-String) :MOY-TFK5-1.7.7

Heart Rate Measurement (it readable, so activate from watch)
(HEX) : A130PW2.0

Avoid BLE issues

Error reading the file

when using NrfToolbox you can select the app to pick the file (a file manager)

ES explorer has 2 modes, so if one fails the other can work.

"DFU File ...not found"

turn off other bluetooth devices (specially if they were pair before)

use a different phone that you have never pair

companion apps like d6notification or gadgetbridge can try to connect even if they seem closed


       keep trying,
       disable/enable phone's Bluetooth
       kill daflasher app
       uninstall BLE apps (d6notification)
       turn off phone or
       try "nRF Connect" app as an alternative to Daflasher, as it also can flash a DFU

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2020

bangle.js 1 -opensource smartwatch

BJS1 Specs:  
  • Nordic 64MHz nRF52832 ARM Cortex-M4 processor with Bluetooth LE
  • 64kB RAM 512kB on-chip flash, 4MB external flash
  • 1.3 inch 240x240 16 bit LCD display with 2 zone touch (1+2=3rd zone)

Launcher0.04 Toucher
Settings 0.21
 Vertical face clock (digital watchface)
 Flappy bird (game to test on screen left and right button areas)


// Spain 1 winter time  2 summer time BLE


Setting;Select Clock (i.e Vertical watch face)


It supports only a simultaneous connection, so you have to disconnect others.
If Gadgetbridge, IDE or Apps web BLE  can't find the BLE connection
Setting, turn off, press button1 to turn on

Web BLE Admin apps

https://banglejs.com/apps/  (chrome browser and enable flags)
 Connect, Pair,
"My Apps" tab, apps installed already in your bangle.js


Gadgetbridge: 0.47.0 (android)

Android, Settings, Sounds and notifications,Notification access: Gadgetbridge (enabled)

Android, Settings, Sounds and notifications,App notifications: whatsapp (allowed),....

Very limited features: just notifications, and find your watch

Upgrade firmware

It can be done from the phone with NrfToolBox, NrdfConnect, or Daflasher
1. enter watch in dev mode
2. connect app to the watch
3. flash DFU  (ZIP)


Installing basic apps

About, click on "Install default apps"
or install manually

My favorite apps:
Touch/toucher Launcher. Really recommended (horizontal sliding based in touchscreen, an entry per screen and options) 
Note: To replace a previously installed launcher, it is required to uninstall/remove previous Launcher.
(DANE Touch Launcher  is the same launcher with borders)

App manager
File manager
Vertical clock (above v00.6) (support and display other widgets, touchscreen)
Fullscreen Notifications
Gadgetbridge  (widget)

Flappy Bird 
GPS recorder (records a GPS track even with app running in background, can display previous recorded tracks)
My favourites Widgets: (always in top, if widget bar is loaded)
As widget bar space is limited, so select well widgets and its width

Bluetooth Widget (single spaces)
Digital clock widget (multiple spaces)
Battery Level Widget   (multiple spaces)
Simple Heart Rate widget (check hr when screen is on) (single spaces)


Default apps but I've replaced
Launcher (Default) (vertical menu with several entries per screen and movement by keys)
default apps
Default notifications (too small characters)

You can install in one step all default apps, from About: "Install default apps" see screenshot showing the 9 apps.

https://espruino.github.io/BangleApps  (includes development versions)

Widget Configuration
Setting, App Widget Settings
toucher(Touch Launcher): set resolution high (will display app version), remove animation

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2020

flashing espruino+ninebot/eucWatch to a P8 smartwatch

Flashing espruino+eucWatch (formerly ninebot-one)


P8 with ninebot/enaon+espruino

Espruino: is javascript engine ported to nrf52 and P8 (fanoush)
Ninebot-one (nb): is a watch software that besides time, has some additional functions, especially the one that originally gave name to the software, a "page" that displays info from a unicycle mobility device.
eucWatch: latest version and new name for the Ninebot-one software
ATCwatch: another software for P8 based in Arduino (see other articles of this blog)


1) Flash bootloader
1.1) if you have Dafit/stock ROM
1.2B) if you have ATCwatch installed on the P8  
2) Daflasher step
3) Espruino step (PC and Chrome)
Configuring/coding nb espruino:
Using nb/ninebot UI

From a browser download following apps from github
  • DaFitBootloader23Hacked.bin (A custom Bootloader using the preInstalled SoftDevice5.0.1)

If you start from p8 default status/Dafit stock then you have to install before the first 2 files.

 1) Flash bootloader

1.1) if you have Dafit/stock ROM 

 You must install before:
    FitbootloaderDFU2 zip 
(common steps with flashing ATCwatch)
On Daflasher
Select: P8 
(wait until button "Select File" is enabled)
Select File : DaFitBootloader23Hacked.bin
P8 screen [green screen, progress bar and end in 3 color squares]

Select: ATCdfu
Click button "Do DFU Update"
Selectfile: FitbootloaderDFU2 zip [check Use Nordic Bootloader]

(it can take a long time, fail several times during the process and recontinue from last %. But at the end it should complete flashing the file, speed is slow i.e 2,20kB/s)

  P8 screen    [red square and ATCnetz.de]


1.2) if you have ATCwatch installed on the P8

From p8 menu, Click "Bootloader"
  P8 screen    [red square and ATCnetz.de]


2) Daflasher step

At BLE devices list

Select: ATCdfu

Click button "Do DFU Update"
   [Checked box: Nordic bootloader]
   [Unchecked box: Toggle Bluetooth]
Select DFU file:  espruino_2v0x.xx_p8_SDK11_SD20.zip  

3) Espruino step (PC and Chrome)

(only tested on Windows) 

    Bluetooth has to be on
   "Connection Icon", "Web Bluetooth", P8 xxxx
   on left side terminal type:
  •  how to Flash /Upload "init" file   

Having  right side windows clear (empty of code)

Drag an drop "init" file to left side (

Click on Send to espruino arrow down icon, choose Upload destination, "Storage" , choose name ".bootrst"

 Click on ".bootrst"


  •   (optional) Edit "handler" file before upload 
Depending on P8 model, touch and accelerator controller can change
for example for a P8a/TFK5 set
      const touchtype="716" and acctype="BMA421"
 whereas a P8b can be a touchtype="716" or "816S" and acctype="SC7A20"
  • Upload files
[enter in DEV mode]
  type on the left side:     reset() ,   [press enter while holding the button on the p8]

*** DevMode ***
Short press the side button

to restart in WorkingMode

  •    Click on Storage/HD icon (Access files in device's storage),   "Upload a file":  handler, main, settings, calc,...
  (handler, main, settings, minimum files required for basic/testing)
  (euc file is not required, only for ninebot unicycle owners).

  • Verify/execute

Click on Storage/HD icon (Access files in device's storage), verify existence of files and .bootrst

short tap on the button, and it will boot to working mode

 On left side terminal, execute command "reset()" or "E.reboot()"  (last one reset the hardware and loose the time)

DEV mode: (required for future files upload)

Do a reset() while holding the p8 button

from Settings-info- long press in restart button


Configuring/coding nb espruino:

During file upload, time is set on espruino. However, depending on timezone  value for an attribute, the displayed time can be wrong.
file: init/.bootrst  (Now .bootcde)
// 3=default
// Spain 1 winter time  2 summer time 
const touchtype="716"; //716 for P8a/TFK | 816|816s for P8b
(for models and hardware check a previous post)  
Upgrading espruino
Chose: p8
Click "Start bootloader"
p8 screen [redsquare]
Upgrading n-b (ninebot) version or many files

Erase and start from scratch
require("Storage").compact()  [???]
init to .bootrst


Using nb/ninebot UI

reset() .The normal reset, command or from p8 screen, "INF" (settings-info) menu, long hold on reboot
E.reboot() , command or from p8  holding the button for~15 secs, it will kick the watchdog 
AL=Alarms (for timer, hold press and will set current time+10min)
CALC= Calculator
ACC=Accelerator/step counter
HID=control over bluetooth keyb/media
CLI=enable nordic serial (required by espruino IDE webIDE)
ATC=enable to sync with d6Notification android app (time, receive commands...)

Set time. 
from web IDE: upload an empty code to RAM
from d6: re/enable notification
BLE command: AT+DT=202008251300 (2020-Aug25th13:00)

type of events:
long press button,
long press touch screen
Slide left/right/left touch screen
Slide up/down/up touch screen